Creation of cosmetic labels: what information to integrate?

Creation of cosmetic labels: what information to integrate?


When considering the graphic design of a  label  for cosmetic products, you cannot just think about marketing and design. Indeed, beyond good practices to seduce consumers , there are a number of rules concerning the mandatory information on the packaging of beauty products. Mandatory information, lists of ingredients or even claims, Grand Ouest Labels takes stock for you of the essential data to integrate.


The Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Prevention may be called upon to check the packaging of cosmetic products marketed on French soil. In this case, it will systematically look for all the mandatory information required on the packaging  :

The contact details of a contact established in the European Union (to report a problem such as an adverse reaction, for example)

The country of manufacture, if it is outside the European Union

The content, by volume or mass

Recommendations for use (measures to be taken to use the product without taking risks)

The date of minimum durability, for all products whose durability is less than 30 months (behind the words “use preferably before”)

The duration of use after opening, mandatory if the durability exceeds 30 months

All the elements that make up a cosmetic product must be listed after the term “ingredients” on the packaging. In order to use the right terms, you can rely on the glossary of common ingredient names, itself based on international nomenclature. This choice allows you to ensure that you always identify the ingredients with the same names, for the sake of intelligibility.

This list should be written in descending order of importance . However, for products that make up less than 1% of the cosmetic, the names can be added in any order.

In order to preserve your capacity for innovation, you are not obliged to specify which flavors you have used. On the other hand, you must add the term “perfume” or “aroma” to specify that you have used it, while filling in the possible list of odoriferous allergens.

list of ingredients cosmetic label


We speak of claims to designate  all the phrases related to the product, used to communicate about its innovations and its virtues . Claims can be present on packaging, but also on other communication media such as paper advertisements, websites or even advertisements broadcast on the radio, for example.

In the sphere of cosmetic products, there is a  European regulation relating to claims , it is EC regulation n°1223/2009. This is in addition to the Consumer Code, which can reprimand abusive commercial practices in France.

cosmetic label claims

Only claims that provide useful and truthful data associated with the product should be used . For example, you can bet on “sulfate-free”, “vegan”, “preservative-free” or even “alcohol-free”. Please note: other claims can be misleading and should be avoided: for example, “allergen-free” does not always take into account the sources of allergies in everyone.

In general, the labeling of cosmetic products aims to protect consumers, but also to guarantee them that they benefit from fair and reliable information when making their choice. Remember that all legally required information must be easily readable and written in French .

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